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Hello There! 

Can a unit with armor spend dodge tokens to cancel hit results before they are converted into critical results from impact weaponry?

For example, a squad of clones fires at an AAT with 1 dodge token. They are within the AAT's rear arc, so the attack pool gains Impact 2. Only two hit results end up being rolled. Can the AAT spend its dodge token to cancel one hit result before it can be converted into a critical result, or does the attacker modify their dice before anything the defender can do to modify their opponent's attack dice?


Also, what is the benefit of having Cover X on an armored unit? Wouldn't all hit results get canceled anyway as a result of that unit having Armor?

Thank you!



On 4/4/2023 at 7:15 PM, CT-5597 said:

Can a unit with armor spend dodge tokens to cancel hit results before they are converted into critical results from impact weaponry?

Yes. Dodge tokens are spent during the Apply Dodge & Cover step of the attack timing (step 5). This is prior to when the Impact keyword is resolved, which is during the Modify Attack Dice step (step 6).

On 4/4/2023 at 7:15 PM, CT-5597 said:

For example, a squad of clones fires at an AAT with 1 dodge token. They are within the AAT's rear arc, so the attack pool gains Impact 2. Only two hit results end up being rolled. Can the AAT spend its dodge token to cancel one hit result before it can be converted into a critical result, or does the attacker modify their dice before anything the defender can do to modify their opponent's attack dice?

The dodge token may be spent, as above.

On 4/4/2023 at 7:15 PM, CT-5597 said:

Also, what is the benefit of having Cover X on an armored unit? Wouldn't all hit results get canceled anyway as a result of that unit having Armor?

It will allow the vehicle unit to cancel hits in the attack pool during the Apply Dodge & Cover step, prior to the Impact keyword being used modify attack dice.

Hope this helps,

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