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Rex issues 2 order tokens to two core troopers. The first core trooper performs an aim action and gains +1 range on all range weapons and then declares a defender at Range 4. The first core trooper then calls fire support to the second core trooper unit who is also at Range 4 of the defender. Does the second core trooper unit increase its range weapons by one? Thanks.

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The errata text for the Take That, Clankers! command card, as a reminder:


After a friendly clone trooper unit that has a faceup order token performs an aim action during during its activation, it may increase the maximum range of each of its ranged weapons by 1, to a maximum of 4, until the end of that activation.

And so:

On 4/8/2023 at 10:45 AM, JokerAlpha said:

Does the second core trooper unit increase its range weapons by one?

No, as it is not the second Corp unit's activation and they did not perform an aim action.

Hope this helps,

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