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Personal Effect Icons - Active Ability when Injured and requirement to spend Force?

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- An Injured character reaches an option along the path of their Combat Tree that has a Personal Effect Icon Active Ability.

- Active Ability pg 32 rulebook (may use one of their Active abilities without paying the Force cost)
- Becoming Injured pg 34 rulebook (must spend 1 Force for each of their Injured tokens as an additional cost to use and Active or Reactive Ability)

- An Injured Asajj Ventress, Sith Assassin is attacking a character in Melee (either Stance) and reaches the 4th option along the path (Personal Effect Icon, Active Ability). Asajj Ventress chooses to use 'Force Push' as the Active ability without paying the Force cost (normally 2 Force)

- Does Asajj Ventress have to spend 1 Force (additional cost due to being Injured) to use this Personal Effect Icon Active ability for Force Push?
- Does reaching a Personal Effect Icon Active ability option along the Path negate the requirement to spend an additional Force per Wounded and Injured tokens?

Thank you!

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2 hours ago, Morgan Reid said:

Does Asajj Ventress have to spend 1 Force (additional cost due to being Injured) to use this Personal Effect Icon Active ability for Force Push?

No. Active abilities granted by the Combat Tree are free to use. 

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