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So the updated PDF core rules (dated 6/2/23) now state that to gain cover from terrain you also need a Hunker token. Compared to the previous wording, this now sounds like you never gain cover benefits from terrain elements unless you are also Hunkered.

If you meet all the requirements (including the Hunker token) you gain Cover [1]. Hunker tokens each give you Cover [1].

So terrain under the new rule now either gives you nothing if you have no Hunker tokens, or Cover [2] (because all the requirements give you [1] plus the required Hunker giving [1] and the bonuses for Cover stack). 

Is this the correct interpretation?


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4 hours ago, Sparksticus said:

So terrain under the new rule now either gives you nothing if you have no Hunker tokens, or Cover [2] (because all the requirements give you [1] plus the required Hunker giving [1] and the bonuses for Cover stack). 

Is this the correct interpretation?

Yes. That is correct. 

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4 hours ago, Benjamin said:

I read it differently: if you meet all requirements (incl. the Hunker Token), you get Cover (1), not (2).

The Hunker Token does not give you one more Cover, it enables Cover.

This interpretation is incorrect. A Hunker token is required to gain cover from terrain, but it does not lose its inherent value in the process. The terrain will grant Cover(1) and the Hunker token will also grant Cover(1) for a total of Cover(2). 

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