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Multi-character units and damage/ health

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I’m confused and looking for clarification on the total health of and damage to units with more then one character. The Stamina and Durability on the unit card for these units, is this a shared pool among the characters or does each character have these stats individually?  If it’s shared and the durability is 2, does that mean you lose one of the characters with the first Injured token?

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14 hours ago, Greyleader73 said:

The Stamina and Durability on the unit card for these units, is this a shared pool among the characters or does each character have these stats individually?

It is a shared pool for the Unit as a whole.

14 hours ago, Greyleader73 said:

If it’s shared and the durability is 2, does that mean you lose one of the characters with the first Injured token?

No. You don't remove characters until you are removing the unit as a whole.

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