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Lord Maul's "Revenge, I must have revenge" timing.

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Hello there!

Following the Timing chart:



9. Apply all damage (Q) from the Damage Pool to the defending character.


10. Resolve all effects that happen after the attack is resolved.

A. Attacker resolves any remaining effects from their Attack Expertise Chart.

B. Defender resolves any remaining effects from their Defense Expertise Chart.

C. Attacker resolves all of their abilities and special rules in the order of their choice.

D. Defender resolves all of their abilities and special rules in the order of their choice.

E. Resolve all non-player abilities and special rules in the order chosen by the attacking player.


What is the timing of Lord Maul's "Revenge, I must have revenge" ability? Step 10C? Or since it says "immediatelly" it's at the end of the step 9, where Maul would be wounded?

Thank you!

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4 minutes ago, Mandaluri said:

Hello there!

Following the Timing chart:

What is the timing of Lord Maul's "Revenge, I must have revenge" ability? Step 10C? Or since it says "immediatelly" it's at the end of the step 9, where Maul would be wounded?

Thank you!

Step 10D as Lord Maul is the defender. The timing found in Revenge, I Must Have Revenge is “after the attack is resolved”. 

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