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Order of Operations for Patience

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The reason I bring this up is because the Patience ability lets a player:

choose to not activate a reserved character
Reveal Obi Wan
put him in reserve with the patience ability and put the reserved card into the deck

I assume you follow the procedure for reserving a card normally and flip over the next card but the rules only have that clause under the section where you pay a force to reserve a card.

Can you please clarify that I have assumed correctly and that I have to activate the next card in the deck and confirm that the reserving a card section of the book refers to a card being reserved in any capacity and not just with the outlined ability.

Thank you 🙂

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On 6/13/2023 at 10:04 PM, scott.annable said:

I assume you follow the procedure for reserving a card normally and flip over the next card but the rules only have that clause under the section where you pay a force to reserve a card.

This is correct. The section about what happens when a Unit Order Card is placed into Reserve is applicable to anytime a card is placed in reserve, whether through spending a Force during the reveal or otherwise.

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