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Twice the Pride, Double the Fall and Brave, But Foolish timing

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If an allied character is wounded and just so happens to be within range 2 of Count Dooku what is the timing for "Twice the Pride, Double the Fall" and "Brave, But Foolish".  CAN both trigger at the same time or just one ability?

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2 hours ago, Vaughnej said:

If an allied character is wounded and just so happens to be within range 2 of Count Dooku what is the timing for "Twice the Pride, Double the Fall" and "Brave, But Foolish".  CAN both trigger at the same time or just one ability?

Both of these effects share the same timing.

Brave, but Foolish is an Innate ability which is always on and will trigger whenever its conditions are met. 

Twice the Pride, Double the Fall is a Reactive ability. Each player may use one Reactive ability in response to a given triggering event and each Reactive ability can be used only once per turn. 

Both of these abilities may be used in response to an allied character being attacked if the attack Wounds that character because one is an Innate ability (specifically an Identity ability) and the other is a Reactive ability. 

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