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The rules state for SPEEDER X (page 50):


While it is performing a move, a unit that has the Speeder X
keyword can move over or end its movement on terrain equal
to or less than height X. Additionally, a unit with the Speeder
X keyword must perform a free compulsory move action at the
start or end of its Perform Actions step. Compulsory moves do
not satisfy the requirements of the AI: Action keyword.

and further state for TERRAIN HEIGHT (Page 13):


Some terrain might have various pieces at multiple heights.
When determining the height of the terrain for the purposes of
performing a movement or a climb, measure the height of the
part of the terrain the miniatures are moving or climbing to,
subtracting the height of any terrain the miniatures may be on.

Therefore a 74-Z Speeder Bike could move the roof of a Height 1 Building onto a Height 2 section of the same building (if multipart)

My Questions are:


1. Would the 74-Z be able to 'fly' across a gap with a single move action from a Height 1 piece of terrain onto a height 2 piece of terrain that is not part of the same piece of terrain (i.e. from one building across an alley to another building)?

2. If a 74-Z starts on a Height 2 piece of terrain can it fly across a gap with a single move action to another Height 2 piece of terrain?


3. Must the 74-Z if starting on a Height 2 (or Higher) piece of terrain end it's move action on a Height 1 or is it like JUMP and constrained to making multiple hops to get to table level so to speak.

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  • 5 months later...


Thanks for quoting the relevant sections of the rulebook for me! I will be using them to answer the below:


On 6/20/2023 at 12:33 PM, NeonKnight said:

1. Would the 74-Z be able to 'fly' across a gap with a single move action from a Height 1 piece of terrain onto a height 2 piece of terrain that is not part of the same piece of terrain (i.e. from one building across an alley to another building)?

Yes. You will "measure the height of the part of the terrain the miniatures are moving or climbing to..." The 74-Z Speeder Bikes unit may ignore terrain up to Height 1 from their current position, and so can indeed move to another building that is taller than the one they are overlapping at the start of the move that is within that Height.

On 6/20/2023 at 12:33 PM, NeonKnight said:

2. If a 74-Z starts on a Height 2 piece of terrain can it fly across a gap with a single move action to another Height 2 piece of terrain?

Yes, for the same reasons as above. The Speeder X keyword allows this movement to "move over or end its movement on terrain equal to or less than height X," and the height is determined from their current position. As the other building is not greater than Height 1 above their current position, they move perform a move over or onto that terrain.

On 6/20/2023 at 12:33 PM, NeonKnight said:

3. Must the 74-Z if starting on a Height 2 (or Higher) piece of terrain end it's move action on a Height 1 or is it like JUMP and constrained to making multiple hops to get to table level so to speak.

Neither the Speeder X nor Jump X keyword necessarily require "multiple hops to get to table level." They may ignore terrain up to Height X as measured from their current position, and so may ignore the terrain they are upon currently and move to the table surface level regardless of that true vertical distance changed.

Hope this helps,

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