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Mace - Shatterpoint

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When using Mace Windu’s ‘Shatterpoint’ ability while under “form VII Vaapad’ to trigger “it immediately makes a focus action…”  does this consume one of Mace’s two actions for his activation? If not does this allow Mace to make another focus during that activation?  

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17 hours ago, Corey Papinniemi said:

When using Mace Windu’s ‘Shatterpoint’ ability while under “form VII Vaapad’ to trigger “it immediately makes a focus action…”  does this consume one of Mace’s two actions for his activation? If not does this allow Mace to make another focus during that activation?  

No.  When an ability instructs a Unit to "immediately make" an action, that action does not count against that Unit's limit of two actions per activation.

17 hours ago, Corey Papinniemi said:

If not does this allow Mace to make another focus during that activation?

No. A Unit may only make each action one time during its activation.

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