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Cover from terrain you are standing on

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My local gaming group is currently using the interpretation that if you are stood on a terrain piece ie a gantry, then you are within 1 of it, and from a top down elevation the ruler passes through the terrain piece, so you would therefore gain cover when hunkered even when stood in the open and very exposed.

So according to the below photo assuming Ahsoka is hunkered she is also in cover from the battle droids as she is within 1" of the terrain piece she is stood on, and the range ruler would pass through that terrain piece (top down, not side elevation).

  • My interpretation of the rules would be that the gantry is a terrain piece at a lower elevation than the battle droids, so Ahsoka would not be able to gain cover due to standing on the gantry.
  • If the droids were stood on the floor, the gantry would be at the same or higher elevation to them, and the range rule would pass through it so she would get the benefit of cover.
  • She would gain cover from Kalani as she is within 1 of the dish, which is at the same elevation as Kalani and a straight line can be drawn through the terrain piece.
Please can you clarify which interpretation is correct?  Is the gantry you are stood on actually on the lower elevation, and is therefore not eligible for cover rules for characters on the same level?
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  • Negoldar changed the title to Cover from terrain you are standing on
On 7/12/2023 at 3:54 PM, Jay Hine said:

My interpretation of the rules would be that the gantry is a terrain piece at a lower elevation than the battle droids, so Ahsoka would not be able to gain cover due to standing on the gantry

Elevation is relative to a characters current position and extends both above and below the character. This means anything within Range 2 either above or below her is at the same elevation as her. All three pictured characters appear to be at roughly the same physical height, so should pretty closely share the same elevation to various terrain parts. The gantry is at the same elevation as all three.

On 7/12/2023 at 3:54 PM, Jay Hine said:

If the droids were stood on the floor, the gantry would be at the same or higher elevation to them, and the range rule would pass through it so she would get the benefit of cover.

If they were on the battlefield, yes.

On 7/12/2023 at 3:54 PM, Jay Hine said:

She would gain cover from Kalani as she is within 1 of the dish, which is at the same elevation as Kalani and a straight line can be drawn through the terrain piece.

She could gain cover from either the dish as well.

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Thanks for your response although it still doesn't quite answer the question (which I maybe worded incorrectly)

So the rule is satisfied for them gaining cover from standing on the gantry as it is at the same elevation as the battle droids... happy with that.

How about the rule where "a straight line can be drawn from any portion of the the attacking characters base to any portion of the defending characters base through any number of those terrain parts."

For Kalani that straight line passes through the antenna from a portion of his base to a portion of Ahsokas, but it passes over the gantry - she therefore gains 1 die from hunker and 1 from cover as the line passes through a portion of that cover.

For the battle droids who are also stood on the same terrain piece my interpretation would be that the straight line doesn't pass through the gantry, but over it, so she would only gain 1 additional die from hunker, not the extra 1 from cover.

According to my local game club she would gain 2 additional defence dice against the battle droids aswell, 1 for hunker, 1 for cover as from a top down view the straight line does pass through the gantry.

Please can you clarify which is correct?

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On 7/19/2023 at 2:35 PM, Jay Hine said:

According to my local game club she would gain 2 additional defence dice against the battle droids aswell, 1 for hunker, 1 for cover as from a top down view the straight line does pass through the gantry.

This is the correct interpretation. There is some further detail in this post as well -


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've come here to verify this rule once again. And I'm still not satisfied with this answer because it leads to what I consider as an inconsistency:
- if both figures hunkered are on the gantry: 2 of cover
- if both figures hunkered are on the ground: 1 of cover
For me, situations are the same: they're overlaping a ground, whether it's batteground or gantry-ground 😉

So, by there we use houserule and each situation gives 1 cover.

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2 hours ago, Cormyr said:

- if both figures hunkered are on the gantry: 2 of cover
- if both figures hunkered are on the ground: 1 of cove

This is correct

2 hours ago, Cormyr said:

For me, situations are the same: they're overlaping a ground, whether it's batteground or gantry-ground

The situation isn't the same. In the first example, your satisfying bullet 2 of the Cover from terrain rules and in the second example, your not

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