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While playing a strike force with Luminara in it, Friendly unit Unit A is attacked, and as a result of that attack gains three conditions and is wounded. This newly wounded character is within range 2 of another friendly character in Unit B that is an eligible target for the "heal 3" portion  of Flow of the Force.  Does the three healing given to the character in Unit B follow the normal rule that they  can affect any character within range 2 of them, allowing her to remove the three conditions from Unit A, or would it only allow them to remove damage or conditions from themselves?



Edited by veddermatic
I suck at typing (I'd blame auto-correct but it was me)
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On 7/20/2023 at 8:44 PM, veddermatic said:

Does the three healing given to the character in Unit B follow the normal rule that they  can affect any character within range 2 of them, allowing her to remove the three conditions from Unit A, or would it only allow them to remove damage or conditions from themselves?

Yes, the Heals granted by Flow of the Force follow the normal rules for Heal. 

In the described scenario, Unit B can remove the three conditions on Unit A. 

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