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Knowledge and Defense and Tactical Network

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Hello all,

I am piggy backing off another question. 

In the instance of a super tactical droid making an attack and having enough successes to use Tactical Network for free, at what point does the defender (provided he has a hunker) get to use Knowledge and Defense to discard the hunker token, heal, and dash?

Would the defender discard the hunker token after the tactical droid finished their attack but before the tactical network’s 5 dice attack or would they have to wait until after tactical network’s 5 dice attack? 


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The active ability is resolved in step 10c of the attack that generates it.

The effects in question from knowledge and defense occur in 10d of the attack

This means the attack generated by tactical network will occur first, inside/during the super tactical droids attack.

If the attack generated by tactical network attacks the original defending character as well, they can choose to resolve knowledge and defense during either attack, but it will be after both have occurred.

If the attack generated by tactical network attacks a character other than the character attacked by the super tactical droid, they can only resolve knowledge and defense during the original attack, but again, this will occur after both attacks have occured.

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