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Base contact with Condition Tokens

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We had a recent interaction during a game where both the Advanced Positions, and Supply Drop battle plans were in play.

With both sides already having units with various scout values, two questions popped up:

  • Does the scout keyword value gained from Advanced positions stack with existing scout keywords (during the deploy phase?) such as Rex, ARC troopers, Boil, Recon intel etc.)
  • Are you allowed to be in base contact with condition tokens, before the first round begins? (the CRB only states that to be the case with Objective tokens, and we could not find any ruling that stated otherwise)



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3 hours ago, Butninja said:

Does the scout keyword value gained from Advanced positions stack with existing scout keywords 

Yes. Generally speaking, most numbered keywords stack, with a few limitations. Different sources of Scout would stack up to 3, which is the highest speed a unit can move. 

3 hours ago, Butninja said:

Are you allowed to be in base contact with condition tokens, before the first round begins?

Yes. As stated, the limitation is with Objective tokens, and Condition tokens are not Objective tokens.


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