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If during a ranged attack (using a Non-Suppressive weapon), an attacking unit rolls their attack dice and gets a hit result, then subsequently re-rolls that die and their final attack pool result has no hits and no criticals in it does the attack allocate Suppression to the defending unit?


The wording is ambiguous as the Assign Suppression Token to Defender section states that if there were any Hit or Critical results in the attack pool during the Roll Attack Dice step then suppression is allocated. It could be interpreted that there was a hit in the attack pool during the Roll Attack Dice step (prior to the re-roll), even though the end result after re-rolls didn't have any hit results.

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If there are any Hit or Critical points in the attack pool during the Roll Attack Dice step, the defender will receive a suppression. This is indeed at any point during the Roll Attack Dice step, and not specifically after the Reroll Dice substep.

1 hour ago, Farsighted Iden said:

It could be interpreted that there was a hit in the attack pool during the Roll Attack Dice step (prior to the re-roll), even though the end result after re-rolls didn't have any hit results.

This is correct.

Hope this helps,

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