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Ruthless states that when a unit activates (specifically before the rally step, as other FAQs have confirmed), the unit may suffer a wound to take a free action.

My question has to do with how these interact timing wise. If a storm trooper has 10 suppression when it activates, can it utilize ruthless to perform a free action and take a free recover since it is before its rally step? Or is the limitation of 'cannot perform free actions' persistently true, regardless of if the unit has hit its rally step or not?

Thank you

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8 hours ago, ASpaceViking said:

If a storm trooper has 10 suppression when it activates, can it utilize ruthless to perform a free action and take a free recover since it is before its rally step? Or is the limitation of 'cannot perform free actions' persistently true, regardless of if the unit has hit its rally step or not?

"If a unit begins its Perform Actions step while panicked, it cannot perform any actions or free actions and drops any claimed objective tokens it may have."

As the Ruthless keyword is used when a unit activates (e.g. before its Rally step), it may perform a free action regardless of whether or not it is currently panicked.

Hope this helps,

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