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2 hours ago, Hawkeye_ said:

Can I use treat to bring back a FX-9 or 2-1B med droid?

Yes, the Treat keyword, among other game effects, may be used to restore an eligible miniature added by an Upgrade Card back to a unit, including the FX-9 Medical Droid and 2-1B Medical Droid miniatures. Note that that miniatures added with Upgrade Cards are the same unit type as the unit to which they are equipped - typically trooper.

2 hours ago, Hawkeye_ said:

And if so do any remaining charges remain available?

The Upgrade Card in question is not tampered with in any way when the miniatured added by it is defeated or subsequently restored and returned to play. It will have as many wound tokens on its Upgrade Card, reflecting its "capacity," as it did when it was defeated.

Hope this helps,

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