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When count dooku using "you disappoint me" on a unit that has movement of 1 such as units holding a Hostage, Snowtroopers, etc.  Can you still make a speed 2 move?

Can count dooku able to use "you disappoint me" on a unit that can't be moved at all?  Such as fd turrets or units with any immobilized tokens that can't move.  Can you still make a speed 2 move?

Can count dooku able to use "you disappoint me" on a unit to make a climb?


Can count dooku able to use keywords when making making a speed 2 unit that unit such as jump, sper etc

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17 hours ago, kevinclow said:

When count dooku using "you disappoint me" on a unit that has movement of 1 such as units holding a Hostage, Snowtroopers, etc.  Can you still make a speed 2 move?

Yes. They will move at the specified speed; their printed speed value - increased or reduced as it may be - has no effect.

17 hours ago, kevinclow said:

Can count dooku able to use "you disappoint me" on a unit that can't be moved at all?  Such as fd turrets or units with any immobilized tokens that can't move.  Can you still make a speed 2 move?

No. A unit with the Stationary keyword cannot perform moves of any kind. Neither may a unit with a max speed of zero and (e.g. due to) one or more immobilize tokens.

17 hours ago, kevinclow said:

Can count dooku able to use "you disappoint me" on a unit to make a climb?

No. Abilities that provide moves provide standard moves, and this may not be replaced with a climb or other type of move.

17 hours ago, kevinclow said:

Can count dooku able to use keywords when making making a speed 2 unit that unit such as jump, spur etc

Jump: No, as it may be used any time that unit makes a move action.

Spur: Yes. The controlling player of the unit with the Spur keyword may elect for the unit to suffer a suppression and increase its maximum speed before it performs any type of move. However, as stated prior, the unit's speed does not affect the distance (speed-2) specified by You Disappoint Me, and so this is in essence only an opportunity for the unit to voluntarily suffer a suppression.

Hope this helps,

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