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We have a ruling that Immobilize tokens can reduce a hostage carrier to speed 0.


can other speed reducing effects lower the hostage to 0?

For example, A unit of wookies with a battleshield in armor mode pick up a hostage. Are they speed 0

A unit of imperial Special forces, during Iden's tactical strike turn, opt to lower their speed while holding a hostage. Are they speed 0 


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On 9/25/2023 at 7:18 PM, FatalSwordsmen said:

can other speed reducing effects lower the hostage to 0?

For example, A unit of wookies with a battleshield in armor mode pick up a hostage. Are they speed 0

A “speed-reducing effect” can reduce a unit to speed 0 if it has no stated minimum, as is the case with immobilize tokens. As the Battle Shield Wookiee upgrade does not reduce its unit’s maximum speed by 1 to a minimum of one, it can reduce the Wookiee Warriors unit to speed 0 - this will be the case in your given example. 

On 9/25/2023 at 7:18 PM, FatalSwordsmen said:

A unit of imperial Special forces, during Iden's tactical strike turn, opt to lower their speed while holding a hostage. Are they speed 0

Iden Versio’s Tactical Strike does not reduce a unit’s maximum speed by any value: it reduces its maximum speed to 1. A unit under the effects of the Tactical Strike and equipped with the Hostage upgrade card will have a maximum speed of 1 that round and not be reduced to speed 0.

Hope this helps,


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