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Hello, I have a question about the new Doc Ocks leadership Sinister Six. The once per turn stipulation on both parts of his leadership is that per model or per squad. For example, If a beam hits 3 members of my squad do they all get the extra power or just one of them?


Thank you for your time

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Phrased in this way, each part of the Leadership can be used once per turn.

1 hour ago, Tarn said:

For example, If a beam hits 3 members of my squad do they all get the extra power or just one of them?

One character may receive an extra power and one character may remove a condition (if that character was damaged). They can both be the same character

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To follow this up. Do they have to be used at the soonest available time they are able? It reads as a must opposed to a may. 


Additionally, if a character is at maximum power when the first part of the leadership triggers, is it considered "used" the same goes for the second half if there is no condition to purge. 

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11 hours ago, BProxy said:

To follow this up. Do they have to be used at the soonest available time they are able? It reads as a must opposed to a may

The top portion occurs at the first opportunity, yes.

The second portion occurs at the players discretion.

11 hours ago, BProxy said:

Additionally, if a character is at maximum power when the first part of the leadership triggers, is it considered "used" the same goes for the second half if there is no condition to purge. 

Yes for the first portion. If a character is at 10 Power and gains more Power, that Power is lost.

The second portion being a may means its optional.

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