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If a unit with secret mission is in a vehicle inside an enemy deployment, can they use their free action to gain their victory point still?

And if they must disembark to acquire the victory point, can they re-embark the same vehicle and leave that turn, as well; or do they have to wait a turn to reboard the vehicle?

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2 hours ago, Leon_Westbrooke said:

If a unit with secret mission is in a vehicle inside an enemy deployment, can they use their free action to gain their victory point still?

When embarked upon a vehicle with the Transport X: Open keyword, yes.

When embarked upon a vehicle with the Transport X: Closed keyword, no, as the only action, free or otherwise, that such units may perform is a move action to disembark.

2 hours ago, Leon_Westbrooke said:

And if they must disembark to acquire the victory point, can they re-embark the same vehicle and leave that turn, as well; or do they have to wait a turn to reboard the vehicle?

As stated in the Embark and Disembark entry, "A unit may not embark and disembark in the same activation."

Hope this helps,

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