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Mandalorians are stronger together & Mandalore will Survive

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Question about Bo-Katan's Innate ability Mandalore will Survive. Can it trigger multiple times in an activation? 


Bo-Katan spends a force to use Jet pack and lands range 2 of another Mando. This will trigger Mandalorians are stronger together and cause her to make a focus action. 

Question 1:

Can she then trigger Mandalore will Survive allowing her to dash and heal 2?

Question 2:

Can she then as her first action of the turn take another focus action? 

Question 3:

If the answer to question 2 is Yes- can she again trigger Mandalore will Survive allowing her to dash and heal 2 again this activation?

Question 4:

If the answer to question 2 is Yes- If the 2nd action of her turn is to take a combat action. Will she add 2 dice to her attack roll?



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3 hours ago, dustandechos said:

Bo-Katan spends a force to use Jet pack and lands range 2 of another Mando. This will trigger Mandalorians are stronger together and cause her to make a focus action. 

Jet Pack does not grant a move action so it will not trigger Mandalorians are Stronger Together. 

3 hours ago, dustandechos said:

Can she then as her first action of the turn take another focus action? 

You cannot use an action twice in a single activation. Mandalorians are Stronger Together grants a focus action. 

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