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I'm specifically curious about the "A-A5 Speeder Truck" and using it as a LOS blocker, but the same question could apply to the "TX-130 Saber-Class Fighter Tank" or the "AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank" and there might be others.  All of these units have the "Hover: Ground" keyword as far as I am aware.

I'm unclear on exactly what the silhouette is for these units.  I think that the relevant portion of the rulebook is on page 37:


Ground vehicles block LOS as if they were a piece of area terrain consisting of the volume of their silhouette.

Does the volume of the silhouette extend all the way down to the base?  Or is it possible for a unit that is in base contact with the vehicle to draw line of sight underneath the vehicle to another unit on the other side (for the purposes of performing a ranged attack or other LOS actions like Aid?



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Hi there,

15 hours ago, mgilson said:

I'm unclear on exactly what the silhouette is for these units. 

Units with the Hover: Ground keyword draw their silhouette as a Ground Vehicle would - a cylinder rising from the miniature's base all the way to the top of the vehicle's hull. There will be no "break" between the base and the silhouette as there might otherwise be for Repulsor Vehicles.

15 hours ago, mgilson said:

is it possible for a unit that is in base contact with the vehicle to draw line of sight underneath the vehicle to another unit on the other side (for the purposes of performing a ranged attack or other LOS actions like Aid?

It is not possible to draw LOS beneath the hull and above the base; its silhouette extends completely between its base and hull and blocks LOS as a Ground Vehicle would.

Hope this helps,

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