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Comms Tech Mini. and Capt Mini

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On 1/6/2024 at 11:05 PM, JokerAlpha said:

If I fit a Comms Tech mini or a Captain mini to a corp unit, is the corps unit obligated to get the comm upgrade or the training upgrade?

This answer is different based on the text of the upgrade card.

If the upgrade card says only "You gain a <upgrade> icon," you are not required to include that upgrade when building your army. This is the text for "Captains" (Stormtrooper Captain, etc.) and "Specialists" (Clone Specialist, etc.).

If the upgrade card says "You must equip a <upgrade> upgrade card," you are to do as the card instructs when building your army. This is the text for "Comms Technicians" (Rebel Comms Technician, etc.).

Hope this helps,

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