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With the new updated timing chart (Feb/2024) 

Count Dooku's Surely you can do better falls into step 6aii of attack timing chart. 

So step 6c is when you add your  expertise.

If the attackers expertise adds a strike can Count Dooku spend force on Surely you can do better to turn it off or is it too late

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1 hour ago, godlyness said:

With the new updated timing chart (Feb/2024) 

Count Dooku's Surely you can do better falls into step 6aii of attack timing chart. 

So step 6c is when you add your  expertise.

If the attackers expertise adds a strike can Count Dooku spend force on Surely you can do better to turn it off or is it too late

It’s too late. He already had the opportunity to use that ability. He does not get another. 

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