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Timing of Paploo's "What does this do'?"

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When does the player choose to trigger Paploo's reactive ability "What Does This Do?" Is it when the enemy character is targeted (step 3b) and thus before dice are rolled, or when applying expertise (step 5.c.I) and thus after dice have been rolled and modified by other effects?

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  • 3 weeks later...

For Paploo, Curious Creature's innate ability 'What does this do?' at what point do you choose to use the defender's expertise instead of his own? Can you wait until after you have rolled and seen how many expertise you have rolled, or do you have to make the decision before you roll dice? Thanks

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Hello rules team, 

At what point as stated “During” the attack am I required to choose if Paploo will use the defending characters Expertise? 

Pre or post attack dice being rolled? Or potentially at a certain step? 

Thank you! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

If the prerequisite are met you may use the enemies expertise chart with ‚What does this do?‘

At which step of the attack do I have to choose, If I want to use it? At the beginning of the attack (Step 1) or during the Apply Expertise Charts Step (6 C I)?

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