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Hello, I like a clarification on Armor Impact Timing. So IG-88 or Wookiee Battle-shield is Armor 1. If I had Impact 3 Weapon generate 3 hits without Crits, does Armor 1 cancel one hit before Impact 3 conversion or does Impact convert then Armor dice mod?




The Impact X and Armor X keywords are both resolved during the Modify Attack Dice step of the attack sequence. As specified in this step, the attacking player modifies attack dice before the defending player.

The attacking player will convert X hit results to critical results using Impact X. Then, the defending player will cancel X hit results with Armor X.


34 minutes ago, JokerAlpha said:

If I had Impact 3 Weapon generate 3 hits without Crits, does Armor 1 cancel one hit before Impact 3 conversion or does Impact convert then Armor dice mod?

Impact X is resolved first, as the attacking player modifies attack dice first.

Hope this helps,

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