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Mind Trick: Flipping Stance Cards

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Does Mind Trick create an opening to flip your stance card?

The other similar abilities that have been in question are all reactions to the attack itself, while this isn't. Your second attack isn't a reaction to the first attack, it is an entirely new attack with a new target.

Mind Trick specifically says "The attack ends."
In another thread about flipping stances, Negoldar said "You would have to finish the attack before you could switch stances once the attack is declared."


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On 2/13/2024 at 11:28 PM, Nevilicious said:

Does Mind Trick create an opening to flip your stance card?

It does not.

On 2/13/2024 at 11:28 PM, Nevilicious said:

The other similar abilities that have been in question are all reactions to the attack itself, while this isn't. Your second attack isn't a reaction to the first attack, it is an entirely new attack with a new target.

Mind Trick specifically says "The attack ends."

The attack generated by Mind Trick occurs before Mind Trick itself is fully resolved. You use Mind Trick, it starts resolving, the first attack is ended, the new attack is performed (and any other rules that re-actively occur as a result of that attack, etc.), then Mind Trick is finished resolving.

On 2/13/2024 at 11:28 PM, Nevilicious said:

In another thread about flipping stances, Negoldar said "You would have to finish the attack before you could switch stances once the attack is declared."

We'd have to know which specific thread to fully clarify for you, but the general rule is

Flipping your stance card is an "Any time" ability, which isn't actually available at literally any time. An "any time" rule can't be used when another ability or effect is resolving.

Since the attack generated by Mind Trick occurs within the resolution of Mind Trick itself, you have an effect currently resolving and are thus unable to make use of "any time" rules.

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