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QQ on Bishops Mutant Energy Absorption Ability. My understanding with the attack step is that the attacking player rolls their initial dice & then the defender rolls their initial defense dice, so if the defender rolls wilds in their initial defense dice they can change one of the attackers critical dice rolls to a blank before they roll extra dice for the critical dice rolled initially because the step where the additional dice are rolled off critical rolls happens after the initial attack & defense dice are rolled. Is this correct?

2 hours ago, ROMER1975 said:


QQ on Bishops Mutant Energy Absorption Ability. My understanding with the attack step is that the attacking player rolls their initial dice & then the defender rolls their initial defense dice, so if the defender rolls wilds in their initial defense dice they can change one of the attackers critical dice rolls to a blank before they roll extra dice for the critical dice rolled initially because the step where the additional dice are rolled off critical rolls happens after the initial attack & defense dice are rolled. Is this correct?


Mutant Energy Absorption modifies dice. This occurs during step 9 of the attack timing (Appendix A) which is after the additional dice from Critical results are added to the roll. 

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