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Official Card Errata

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This thread contains official errata to existing Star Wars: X-Wing cards that have not yet been added to the Rules Reference or Errata Reference.

These corrections replace the text of the existing card and are considered accurate, and overrides all other printings and will be deleted whenever the Rule Reference and Errata Reference are updated. 

A printable PDF of available errata'd cards is available at: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/x-wing-second-edition/ under the Support - Rules section at the bottom of the page.

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Rules Reference Correction: Official errata have been made to the following card:

•Protectorate Gleb
Should read: "After you coordinate a friendly ship, you may transfer 1 orange or red token to the ship you coordinated."

(Added restriction stipulating friendly ship.)

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Rules Reference Correction: Official errata have been made to the following card:

•Commander Malarus (Xi-class Light Shuttle)

Should read: "While a friendly ship at range 0-2 performs a primary attack, before the Modify Dice step, if it has 1 or more blank results, that ship must gain 1 strain token to reroll 1 blank result, if able."

(Added a specific timing window to prevent players from circumventing the downsides of the Pilot Ability)

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Rules Reference Correction: Official errata have been made to the following card:

•Arliz Hadrassian (Scum, BTL-A4 Y-wing)

Should read: "While you defend, if you are damaged, before the Modify Defense Dice step, you must change 1 of your focus results to a blank result."

(Added a specific timing window to prevent players from circumventing the downsides of the Pilot Ability)

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Rules Reference Correction: Official errata have been made to the following card:

Hera Syndulla (RZ-1 A-Wing and A/SF-01 B-Wing)
Should read: "While another friendly ship at range 1-2 defends or performs an attack, during a Modify Dice step, you may transfer 1 of your focus tokens, evade tokens, or locks to that ship."

(Added a specific timing window of an attack during which her ability can be used.  As before, this ability can only be used once per attack.")

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