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Mystique leadership & Versatile Strategy

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I know this question has been asked before, but I just wanted some clarification on the ruling.

The second part of mystiques leadership DOESN’T expire on KO, but apparently it does on the use of versatile strategy?

I just want an explanation on the difference. When a character with an active leadership KOs, the effects of that leadership expire. The second effect of mystiques leadership doesn’t subscribe to that ruling, so why does it happen when you use versatile strategy?

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27 minutes ago, Lucas Pookus said:

The second effect of mystiques leadership doesn’t subscribe to that ruling, so why does it happen when you use versatile strategy?

Rules for the token remain with the token. That’s why the token does not leave when she is KO’d. 

Versatile Strategy, however, says all effects of the original Leadership expire when it is played. That means the token will be removed when it is played as it is an effect of the original Leadership. 

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On 4/9/2024 at 8:08 PM, Lucas Pookus said:

So since the token is essentially an extension of her leadership, it expires? Is that what you’re saying?

And thank you so much for answering so quickly!

The token is an effect of the Freedom Force Leadership so it will be removed when Versatile Strategy is played.

You're welcome.

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