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If the defender rolls all expertise that results in two blocks, and the attacker has expertise that changes blocks to fails, the blocks from the defender’s expertise will not be changed to fails.  Is that correct due to the steps of 6c?

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On 5/2/2024 at 10:08 AM, Pinto397 said:

If the defender rolls all expertise that results in two blocks, and the attacker has expertise that changes blocks to fails, the blocks from the defender’s expertise will not be changed to fails.  Is that correct due to the steps of 6c?

That is correct, yes.

The attacker resolves their effects in 6ci, which would change existing blocks to failures(if any existed). The defender would then resolve their expertise in 6cii and add in the two blocks.

It sounds like from your scenario that the defender will end up with two blocks.

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