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After Close the Deal is trigger by Greef, if the selected bounty hunter is engaged with a non wounded unit can it make a ranged Attack against the activating unit as long as it is within Range and LOS?

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On 5/13/2024 at 10:14 AM, dustandechos said:

After Close the Deal is trigger by Greef, if the selected bounty hunter is engaged with a non wounded unit can it make a ranged Attack against the activating unit as long as it is within Range and LOS?


When an ability allows a character to do something, that character is required to adhere to any rule that would normally apply to that thing. Exceptions have to be listed in the ability or another rule that interacts with the effects currently occurring.

Close the Deal does not provide any exception to the core rule that characters cannot perform ranged attacks when engaged with a non-wounded character.

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