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Hello there!

In CRB said: "Each time a unit activates, it has a chance to rally and remove suppression tokens. To rally a unit, its controlling player rolls one white defense die for each suppression token the unit has". Am I correctly understand that a player may roll dice for each suppression token, not must? May the player roll fewer dice then amount of suppresion tokens on the unit during rally step?

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Hi there,

The Rally step is not optional. It does not state players "may" roll dice or remove suppression, so they will do so. There are keywords that may modify this step to allow a to remove fewer suppression, such as Danger Sense or Inconspicuous.


4 hours ago, AlexGrace said:

Am I correctly understand that a player may roll dice for each suppression token, not must? May the player roll fewer dice then amount of suppresion tokens on the unit during rally step?

That is not correct. They may not choose to roll fewer dice.

Hope this helps,

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