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A Day Unlike Any Other - How Many Characters Per Turn

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Seeking some clarification.

Main Question: During a turn/activation, how many allied characters can reduce the cost of the first super power they use by 1?

"Each turn you may reduce the POWER cost of the first superpower used by each allied character by 1, to a minimum of 1." 

If Captain America and two other allied characters are all within a beam attack, do all three characters get to reduce the cost of the first use of their reaction super powers by one, or does only one get to reduce the cost by one? If it is only one allied character per turn, would it then need to be the first reaction superpower to be triggered/used?

This can also be applied to reaction super powers that can be used during allied character's activations. Scenario: I attack an opponent's Gambit with a super power, reducing the cost by one. Opponent's Gambit uses his reaction super power 'Enhanced Agility' and advances Gambit away from attacker but within 4 Range of Winter Soldier, Operative, and 2 range of an interactive terrain feature of Size 3 or less. Would I then get to also reduce the cost of Winter Soldier, Operative's reaction super power 'Kill Box' by one?

I have tried to search through the forum but cannot see any topics that discuss the number of allied characters that can use Captain America's Leadership Ability. I apologise if this is as simple as the inclusion of the word 'each' meaning more than one can, thought it best to clarify.


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17 minutes ago, ZacSpack said:

During a turn/activation, how many allied characters can reduce the cost of the first super power they use by 1?

Each character in Captain America's squad can reduce the cost of their first Active or Reactive superpower each turn.

18 minutes ago, ZacSpack said:

If Captain America and two other allied characters are all within a beam attack, do all three characters get to reduce the cost of the first use of their reaction super powers by one, or does only one get to reduce the cost by one?


19 minutes ago, ZacSpack said:

I attack an opponent's Gambit with a super power

Superpowers are not attacks so this does not work.


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