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When does a unit have line of sight to another unit?

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Many actions and effects require one unit to have line of sight (LOS) to another unit. Please define what is required for a unit to have LOS to another unit?


We have some confusion between the Core Rulebook and the forum.

Line of Sight is defined on page 27 of Version 2.5.6 of the Core Rulebook (CRB). The line of sight section describes LOS between two miniatures. However, it does not define what the requirements are for a “unit” to have LOS to another “unit”.


In the example on page 28 the battle droids are shown only drawing LOS from only their unit leader to other minis.

“The Battle Droids can draw LOS to the Clone Troopers because they can draw an imaginary straight line from their unit leader’s silhouette to at least on of the Clone Trooper’s silhouette…”

It seems the example on page 28 is the only place in the CRB that defines if two units have LOS. Therefore, it appears the unit leader of the unit A is required to have LOS to at least one of the miniatures in the unit B for unit A to have LOS to unit B. 


It should be noted that LOS is discussed elsewhere in the CRB and outside of the Glossary, it is always in reference to specific miniatures and not a unit. Such as:

  • Declaring defenders (page 28 of the CRB) specifically requires the unit’s leader to have LOS to any mini in the defending unit.

  • The Standby section (page 33 of the CRB) specifically allows LOS to be drawn from any mini in the unit when determining if a standby token can be spent.


However, in the forum ruling below, the moderator says “…and line of sight can be determined using any miniatures in Din Djarin’s unit.”


The above ruling implies that a unit has LOS to another unit if any miniature in unit A has LOS to any miniature in unit B. Does the above ruling apply to all cases where a unit determines LOS to another unit, or is this only for the Ambam Rifle?


I hope you can understand our confusion.

Thank you for your hard work.

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4 hours ago, CODADsunshine said:

Many actions and effects require one unit to have line of sight (LOS) to another unit. Please define what is required for a unit to have LOS to another unit?


However, it does not define what the requirements are for a “unit” to have LOS to another “unit”.

A unit has LOS to another unit when any of its miniatures have LOS to any of the miniatures in that unit.

4 hours ago, CODADsunshine said:

However, in the forum ruling below, the moderator says “…and line of sight can be determined using any miniatures in Din Djarin’s unit.”


The above ruling implies that a unit has LOS to another unit if any miniature in unit A has LOS to any miniature in unit B. Does the above ruling apply to all cases where a unit determines LOS to another unit, or is this only for the Ambam Rifle?

LOS can be determined using any miniatures in two units unless that game effect specifies LOS needs to be determined using a particular miniature. The attack sequence requiring the attacking unit leader to have LOS to the declared target is one such instance of this specification.

Hope this helps,

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