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Ved Foslo Ship Card Clarification

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Ved Foslo's ship ability is ambiguous and has caused some disagreement.  There are 2 points of contention.
"While you execute a maneuver, you may execute a maneuver of the same bearing and difficulty at a speed 1 higher or lower instead."
- Can Ved select a 2 turn and change to a 1 turn? (changing to a maneuver not on the dial)
- Can Ved select a 3 bank and change to a 2 bank? (different difficulty)

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Ved Foslo's (TIE Advanced x1) Pilot Ability allows him to execute a maneuver of the same bearing and difficulty at a speed 1 higher or lower. He does not change his dial when he does this.

Using your examples, yes, he would be able to select a white 2 turn and execute a white 1 turn as they are the same bearing and difficulty, even though the maneuver does not exist on his ship dial.

No, he would not be able to select a white 3 bank and execute a blue 2 bank as the difficulty is not the same. He could execute a white 2 bank however.


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