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Happy Birthday, Runt! and effects that happen after the attack is resolved

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The Team Tactic Card "Happy Brithday, Runt!" states that "enemy characters cannot use Reactive superpowers or Reactive Team Tactic Cards during this attack."

Can Reactive superpowers or Reactive Team Tactic Cards that resolves after the attack is resolved can be used after the "Ambush" attack granted by "Happy Birthday, Run!"? 

After Ambush is revolved, could Electro use his Electrostatic Reactive superpower or Ghost Rider his Wicked's Judgement Reactive superpower? Would a character be able to play the Warpath Team Tactic Card? Could Hela use Queen of Hel if she was KOed by Ambush? What about Ultron playing The Age of Ultron?

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8 minutes ago, Ludo Chose said:

Can Reactive superpowers or Reactive Team Tactic Cards that resolves after the attack is resolved can be used after the "Ambush" attack granted by "Happy Birthday, Run!"? 

No. That is during the attack. The attack is in process until step 14c of the attack timing chart is completed.

8 minutes ago, Ludo Chose said:

After Ambush is revolved, could Electro use his Electrostatic Reactive superpower or Ghost Rider his Wicked's Judgement Reactive superpower? Would a character be able to play the Warpath Team Tactic Card? Could Hela use Queen of Hel if she was KOed by Ambush? What about Ultron playing The Age of Ultron?

No. All of these occur during the triggering attack.

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