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In the new RRG Scout X is now a free "speed-X move action". Does this now change its interaction with Agile X, Tactical X, Steady and Relentless, so that all of these Keywords trigger off of the scout move action?

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Hi there,

You are correct: a unit with the Scout X keyword will deploy by performing a free speed-X move action. As this is a standard move action, you may choose to use game effects and keywords that follow move action. Agile XTactical XSteady, and Relentless are all examples of such keywords that may be used following a move action.


4 hours ago, Taiowaa said:

Does this now change its interaction with Agile X, Tactical X, Steady and Relentless, so that all of these Keywords trigger off of the scout move action?


Hope this helps,

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