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IF general Veers uses Guidance on an undeployed tx 225 gav w which is transporting a unit, the transported unit deploys right after the tank's free move action? Or since the tank has not activated yet the transported unit does not deploy (formerly known as disembarking) till the tank's activation?

Thank you

Ps good job with the revised rules

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Hi there,

There is not at present a scenario in which Veers can use Guidance: Ground Vehicle on an undeployed vehicle. If General Veers is on the battlefield, he is beyond any range of friendly units not yet deployed, and so will not be range 2 to the Occupier Tank. If General Veers is undeployed, he may make no actions until he moves to deploy; he may not use Guidance while undeployed.

This is an impossible scenario.

In the event an undeployed Transport is given a free move from an ability that provides moves (I'm not aware of any examples of this, at time of writing), it would indeed deploy, and then so would the transported unit.

Hope this helps,

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