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On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:

When grunts get ko'ed, do they trigger the brutality VP, since everything is technically sent to jail when "dazed/ko'ed"

Yes, characters are sent to Jail when they would be dazed and KO'd even though they are never actually dazed or KO'd.

On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:

When scoring a touchdown, does LOS and Range matter, similar to got your back, which the attack still requires range.  Or does the mojo area supersede and any zero cost attack range and can be made at any range.

Yes, Line of Sight and Range are still required for a character to make an attack.

On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:

Scoring clarification, it doesn't specifically state in the rules, but I am assuming it is range 1 to interact with goal, which seems most likely.

This defaults to the core rules of the game that specify interacting with an objective token requires a character to be within range 1

On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:

do the character make the dice role when scoring a touchdown?  I.e. Mastered Spider Sense  - Would Spiderman then get the 1 power


On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:

scoring a touchdown, not allowed with Shield Agents correct, since scoring is considered an ability?

Shield agents are unable to score due to being unable to pay the power to Interact with the Zone.

On 7/12/2024 at 12:44 AM, BowerPower said:

Also, the deployment says deploy range 5, not "within 5". Does it still mean within?

Yes. You deploy within range 5.

On 7/12/2024 at 12:44 AM, BowerPower said:

Mojo Ball's rules don't define the Line of Scrimmage (although I fully understand what it must be), but then references it in the rules.

On 7/17/2024 at 9:49 AM, Shadow Marvel said:

How is the Line of Scrimmage defined? The rules seems to reference it but doesn't define specifically, unless I'm missing it in the book. My assumption it is the center of the board but unclear if that is accurate for placing balls?

On 7/18/2024 at 7:34 PM, HarveyOverdrive said:

In the first paragraph of Touchdown section of the rules (opposite of the card with the map) it says "The opposing player Places all Balls removed from this character on the Line of Scrimmage within 1 of another Ball."

Where is the Line of Scrimmage? That sentence is the only mention of the Line of Scrimmage in the rules, map, or cards. Is it the center line where the balls start the beginning of the game? Is it the range3 line that's even with the front edge of the Zone Tokens (because deployment is range5 in Mojo Ball)?

If it is the center line, what if the other 2 Balls have been picked up and aren't on the line? Can the opposing player put it anywhere on the Line of Scrimmage if there are no other Balls there?

The line of scrimmage has been defined in the FAQ and Errata document now. It is the horizontal center line of the table.

On 7/9/2024 at 11:46 PM, Psydon said:

if no balls are left on field, how does placement work?  Since there is a clarifier of within "1" range of another ball.  I am assuming it is just anywhere on the line of scrimmage

On 7/17/2024 at 9:50 AM, Shadow Marvel said:

If you score a touchdown and are placing balls on the line of scrimmage, the rules state that they must be placed within range 1 of another ball but this means that you can essentially drop all the balls onto one model that is overlapping the line of scrimmage. Does the rules mean to place them OUTSIDE of range 1 of another ball?

This should be touching the line of scrimmage and not within range 1 of another ball.

Balls are placed one at a time, so if the first one is placed overlapping a character, Scoop and Sprint will come into play and the next ball will also be able to be placed on that character due to there being no ball within range 1 of where your placing it (You can't measure to a ball a character is holding)

On 7/13/2024 at 9:58 AM, Shadow Marvel said:

Are infinity gems allowed in Mojoball? I remember it being said during adepticon but don’t see it under the rules unless infinity gems are considered tactics cards.

On 7/14/2024 at 2:15 PM, Misha said:

Does Infinity gems allowed in Mojo ball?

On 7/17/2024 at 5:23 PM, spiceweasel said:

The mojoball scenario doesn't allow for team tactics cards, but does this apply to the infinity stones as well since they are in a sort of separate category?

Infinity Gems are allowed.

On 7/15/2024 at 10:56 AM, GooeyChewie said:

The rules for Mojo Ball say you ignore standard team and leadership rules. Dormammu says if you use this model you must use Dark Dimension team and his leadership. How do these two things interact? Do the Mojo Ball rules override Dormammu’s card?

You are unable to use a Leadership other than a Game Day Leadership in Mojoball

On 7/17/2024 at 9:44 AM, Shadow Marvel said:

Are playbook cards face up or face down when the player draws them? Do you reveal them when playing or are they already open knowledge the whole time?

Playbook cards do not have to be shared with your opponent.

On 7/17/2024 at 9:47 AM, Shadow Marvel said:

If Sandman is outside of Range 3 of the Line of a jail and one of his constructs are KO'd. Since the rules interrupts the KO and places them at the jail, what happens to the construct. Do they disappear completely or do they appear and then KO again and repeat this process in perpetuity? Does this result in the opponent scoring 1VP for every KO?

At the end of each of Sandman's Activation's, Dust to Dust would try to KO them. Sent to Jail would then kick in, sending the character to Jail instead of KOing it. The opposing player would then score a VP.

On 7/18/2024 at 7:53 PM, HarveyOverdrive said:

The HUSTLE! card states

"For each Energy spent, Place the character that played this card within range1 of its current Position and then roll a die."

Lets assume the die rolls all succeed, that would mean, measure range1, place model, measure range1, place model, measure range1, place model. Would each one of these Places count toward Nightcrawler's Brimstone Blitz attack?

Yes. Remember though that the die is rolled after each placement, not all at the start.

On 7/18/2024 at 9:38 PM, Shadow Marvel said:

Do characters like Gamora and Black Panther, who have superpowers that throw themselves qualify as characters who can utilize this Team Captain Ability? 


On 7/18/2024 at 9:43 PM, Shadow Marvel said:

If you team is using the Get in Position Team Captain Ability and you have Logan, the Wolverine or Wolverine, who have the superpower Adamantium Skeleton. Are they able to be thrown? They are size 2, but the superpower specifies that they are treated as size 3 for the purposes of throws.

They are not valid choices, no.

On 7/22/2024 at 10:46 PM, Shadow Marvel said:

Can you use characters with the same alias when fielding a squad in Mojoball?



Nothing seems to say you can't score your own zone, even with the errata, unless I'm misunderstanding something

You can only score on the opponents Zone.


How are passes performed in terms of aligning the measurement tool?

As per measuring in the core game, you measure using the length of the tool. This effectively means the tool has to be aligned center to center or same edge to same edge when measuring between characters

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On 7/25/2024 at 2:19 PM, A_Rat said:

Under the rules to draw new playbook cards it states that "after a playbook card is played, discard it and draw a new one", when is a card considered played? i.e playing tackle zone, drawing a new card, and then resolving the attack? Or is it playing tackle zone, resolving the attack, and then drawing a new card?

Your second scenario.

On 7/26/2024 at 12:13 AM, Mattomattick said:

When a skull is rolled on a pass is the ball placed within the range or at the end of the range tool? It doesn't say within.

Within Range

On 8/11/2024 at 8:22 PM, zach said:

Simply put example as how I read timing

-Iron Fist does a Flying Kick and Dazes a model. Daze happens after damage is dealt but before 'after attack' triggers. so the model would move to Jail then he would place.

Is this how it really works?


On 8/16/2024 at 4:58 PM, OutlawDave said:

Where do I find the document the defines the three team captain abilities, how the alternate tactics cards work and everything else I need to know to play this?

This information is included on one of the rule cards in the box

7 hours ago, Chris Evans said:

Do you have to spend 2 power to score a touchdown in Mojo Ball? 

Yes. You need to spend 2 power to perform the required interact.

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