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Does Mystic Ward cause the holder to drop an objective token?

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Can a Defender affiliated character play Mystic Ward on an objective token being held by another character within range 3?  If so, is the objective dropped, or retained without being scored, or retained with the token on it, so if it is dropped it cannot be interacted with?

As an example, if a Defender character had an ally in Range 3 that was holding a Skrull and was one one stamina left, could that Defender play Mystic Ward on the Skrull the allied character was holding so that if dazed, the Skrull would drop but could it not be interacted with to pick up?

Also, if a character can hold an objective while it has a Mystic Ward token on it, can Black Cat, Enchantress, and "Can I Borrow That?" steal it, because the superpower/TTC is not an interact?

Thanks for all your hard work.

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7 hours ago, Griff said:

Can a Defender affiliated character play Mystic Ward on an objective token being held by another character within range 3?

No. You cannot measure to it as it is not on the battlefield. 

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