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Onderon Oppressor - Ability Clarification

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Does the Onderon Oppressor need to complete / fully complete the barrel roll in order to benefit from gaining a calculate if stressed?

Text: After you barrel roll or sideslip, if you are stressed, gain 1 calculate token.

Situation - Onderon attempts a barrel roll, fails, gains a stress.  Does it also gain a calculate?

Not being questioned - Onderon, stressed, performs a white side slip.  Even if it bumps / lands on an obstacle, still gains the calculate (fully perform a maneuver is not part of the card text and it is a "gain a calculate" vs an action).

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Yes, the Onderon Oppressor (HMP Droid Gunship) needs to complete the barrel roll in order to trigger its pilot ability. 

An effect that fails does not trigger any effects that would occur after a ship resolves that effect.


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