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Circle of the Cosmos and KO'd leader

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If an allied character in Convocation takes damage as a result of being thrown into the leader of Convocation, while the Circle of the Cosmos side of the leadership is active, and the leader is KOd as a result of the throw, does the character being thrown still have an opportunity to use the range 1 place from the leadership before the leader is removed from the table?

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On 8/10/2022 at 7:03 AM, Waffle1k said:

If an allied character in Convocation takes damage as a result of being thrown into the leader of Convocation, while the Circle of the Cosmos side of the leadership is active, and the leader is KOd as a result of the throw, does the character being thrown still have an opportunity to use the range 1 place from the leadership before the leader is removed from the table?

It does not. The KO'd character will be removed as part of the resolution of the collision and Circle of the Cosmos resolves after the collision is resolved.

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