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ATST & Cover Where Additional Intervening Terrain Is Out of LOS of ATST

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I'm trying to figure out the right way to determine cover in this scenario:

An ATST has line of sight on a rebel trooper unit.  Between them there is a tall piece of terrain, like a building, and just beyond that is a separate, smaller piece of terrain, like crates or a barricade, that would otherwise obscure the ATST's line of sight to the rebel trooper unit if the tall piece of terrain were not there.  The ATST is in base contact with the tall piece of terrain and has no line of sight to the smaller piece of terrain just on the other side.   

When determining whether the rebel trooper unit is obscured, we would ignore the large/tall piece of terrain.  Would the rebel trooper unit still get cover from the smaller piece of terrain even though the ATST has no LOS to the smaller piece of terrain? 

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On 1/24/2023 at 11:44 AM, JhayRhod said:

Would the rebel trooper unit still get cover from the smaller piece of terrain even though the ATST has no LOS to the smaller piece of terrain? 

Eligible miniatures would would receive cover from the smaller terrain if they are in range 1/2 of it, as an imaginary line between the attacking unit leader's silhouette and defending minis' will be obstructed by terrain that the AT-ST is not touching.

Hope this helps,


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