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Ground and hover:ground clarification on terrain and deployment

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Good afternoon, 

I would like to know the ruling on a fringe situation.

If there is a large piece of terrain, with a height greater than the silhouette of the vehicle, fully in a deployment zone, can that vehicle legally deploy on top of that terrain? This is assuming that it's large enough to let it sit stably etc.

Secondly, if the vehicle is allowed to legally deploy in that state, is the vehicle, ground or hover:ground, able too legally move off of that piece of terrain?  My current interpretation of vehicles/notched bases not be allowed to climb, would say that they are not able to. However, if that is the case, should they even be able to legally deploy onto terrain like that in the first place if it essentially renders the unit immobilized.

Thank you for you help and best regards!

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3 hours ago, UnholyPlatypus said:

can that vehicle legally deploy on top of that terrain? This is assuming that it's large enough to let it sit stably etc.

Yes, you can do that. 

3 hours ago, UnholyPlatypus said:

Secondly, if the vehicle is allowed to legally deploy in that state, is the vehicle, ground or hover:ground, able too legally move off of that piece of terrain? 

No. You can only move on to/off of terrain that is shorter than the vehicles silhouette.


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