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  1. When I measure for an attack, the rules state I use the range tool and my target must be within, does this mean as long as the flat part of one edge of the tool is against my base and any part of the tool touches my target base would they be considered within, specifically speaking flat against my base and just the edge of the corner touches opponents base
  2. With the ability: A Man With Two Names, can Kanan target himself for the first dash ( if applicable to use) and then because the character that dashed was a Spectre use the second part and Dash again? As written he is an allied Rebel Alliance character. Then there is a full stop that checks to see if the Rebel Alliance character that dashed is Spectre ( which he is) so my understanding of RAW he would be able to dash twice because of this ability.
  3. When using the card strategic retreat, do you have to pass an objective token to do the advance portion of the card due to the “then” statement
  4. With the second part being optional, does that mean you could trigger the condition removal in a different instance of attack than one where you removed the damage? I take attack A it does damage but I have no condition on me I gain a power as I was not dazed. attack B targets a different character and applies a condition can I now remove that condition ?
  5. Can I do two instances of create sand construct since it is not once per turn
  6. If a mandolorian unit is pinned can they trigger the focus still without actually moving due to the pin. Due to the fact it’s checking for move action not movement itself ?
  7. Both slip away and night hunter are both when target abilities. If asajj is engaged with someone can you still get the 2 extra dice for dathomirian engaged with target off night hunter if asajj uses slip away
  8. If both my opponent and I have a tie on an objective and we both have a model with inquisitorial mandate or, some other way to win the tie who will claim the objective?
  9. If I have a tie on an active objective with 1 character each on the same level, and Fifth Brother on a different elevation would I gain control of the Objective due to Inquisitorial Mandate. The thought behind this is the rules for contesting does not require elevation to contest, similar to Bo Katan and providing Some of Us Serve a Higher Purpose. So based off the wording of Inquisitorial Mandate which is just checking for a tie at an active objective and that Brother is Contesting should the Brother player gain control of the Objective? Secondly, If both players have a character with Inquisitorial Mandate on an objective that is tied who will win the Objective?
  10. If I have a signature Identity on a character and it’s trigger has happened multiple times over the course of an activation can I use the ability each time? I can’t find anything in the rules that would state that you can’t, as it isn’t a reactive ability and such just would like verification or not. thanks
  11. If I’m building a premier list, it states it follows normal rules for squad building. Which then if I look at Vaders card which says this can not be played in a strike team with anakin, if I’m looking at the rules for squad building and strike team building to me this would be you can’t bring anakin and Vader in a premier list together since following squad building rules as well for primary ahsoka and Padawan ahsoka the thought is they could not be included in the same list since naming However I can see the line that raw you could I just don’t think it’s smart
  12. Just for clarification if obi were to target himself with Run he also needs to be engaged correct? Or can he target himself or an allied character who is engaged
  13. Wouldn’t be only benefit from it once though?
  14. If war path is used the window to trigger big sis or little sis has already passed correct? Or can you use warpath to get in range and then trigger big sis or little sis
  15. If I was attacking ahsoka would I apply conditions from the tree before she would be able to react with too fast? example here being if I applied strain would it go on before she can too fast therefor she would take 3 damage from doing the too fast as well as the half damage?
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