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Everything posted by Moonlighter

  1. So we were discussing how new Ultrons grunts can spawn in after Ultron has been activated. Do the grunts automatically come in with an activated status since the parent character has an activated token or will they be able to activate once since they only have a stagger? Furthermore, how will that effect priority and potential for passing on turn? we decided to rule it as “If a grunt character belonging to a non-grunt character (parent character) already has an activated token upon the grunts spawn, the grim character will also be considered activated since grunts can only activate on the parent characters activation as part of the paren character’s activation.” does that seem about right? If not there are some things that get broken since all characters must activate and grunts can only activate on the parents turn means you’ll have a character (the grunt) that will be unable to activate causing the game to stalemate based on current rules as written.
  2. Pretty straight forward but can the rogue agents use team tactics cards for a specific affiliation since they count as that affiliation during squad building? I.E. can Taskmaster use pretty sneaky sis in X-Force?
  3. Hello, Can you take 2 of the same support unit on a strike team? For instance: can you take the ARF clones on one squad and then take the ARF clones on another squad since they do not have a unique name? From the rules it states the only restriction is if they have a unique name and they will have to be in the same era as the primary.
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