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Everything posted by BobtheSwift

  1. If a heavy that exhausts is defeated and is restored either using the repair keyword or "we make droids", the heavy would still be exhausted per previous rulings. Is this still the case if the heavy had the "cycle" keyword and the unit had completed an activation before having the heavy restored, thus fulfilling the requirement for cycle to ready the heavy? With this same line of thought, is a defeated heavy still eligible to have its card removed by ewoks "insatiable curiosity"?
  2. For the experimental droids surge token ability, it says to choose a commander at the beginning of each activation phase to put the surge tokens on its unit card. It goes on to say that during a unit's activation, it may free action spend a token from the "chosen" commander. If I have a second commander unit that I have chosen a previous turn to have placed surge tokens on per the ability, and did not spend them all so they remain the next turn, can a unit still spend surge tokens from it, or would I be unable to as it is not the "chosen" commander for that turn?
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