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Everything posted by HulkSmash

  1. So I had this situation come up in a recent game and wanted clarification: Before starting to move one of my characters on my turn, I wanted to gauge if they could get close-ish to where I wanted them to get with 2 move actions. So I placed the Medium movement tool on the table, placed my finger to mark about where the end of the tool reached, then picked up the same tool and placed it on the other side of my finger. I was told in that game that this was not allowed, referencing a rule around "proxying." I find that confusing as my finger referencing a point on the table is not a proxy, which would involve using a blank base, another model, or another substitute to allow me to measure it exactly rather than still having to eyeball it. Are you allowed to use your finger as a reference point in such situations? If not, to what rule in the Core Rules is this referencing, as I cannot find any?
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